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Receiving your reward as a Target GiftCard

Redeem rewards when you have earned at least $10 in rewards and qualify. To redeem, visit Target's Manage my Target red card Circle Card website ( or contact their telephone number found on the back of your card to do so.

Redeeming rewards allows you to select how many and what kind of Target GiftCard or eGiftCard you would like; minimum redemption amount of $10 exists and both options require valid mailing and email addresses on file with Target Circle Card; for physical giftcard redemption requires mailing address only while for online redemption, both mailing address and email address needs be added via Manage my Target Circle Card account (described further below). Reward do not expire; however they could potentially become unavailable in certain circumstances (detailed below).

Target GiftCards can be redeemed at Target stores and online through for merchandise or services at no cost, with terms and conditions found on each Target GiftCard itself. It never expires and we do not assume responsibility if an undeliverable Target GiftCard becomes lost, stolen, or misdelivered to you; to report these matters contact the number on the back of your Target Circle Card immediately.
<a href="">Target red card</a> | <a href="">Target red card login</a>

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