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The Balanset-1A is an essential portable device for dynamic balancing and vibration analysis, tailored for different industrial rotors like crushers, fans, and turbines.


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[b]Vibrometer Mode:[/b]

Tachometer: Offers precise RPM readings for detailed vibration analysis.

Phase: Provides accurate phase angle readings for thorough vibration assessment.

1x Vibration: Measures and analyzes the primary frequency component in vibration.

FFT Spectrum: Delivers detailed insights into the frequency spectrum of vibration signals.

Overall Vibration: Measures total vibration to support effective equipment maintenance.

[b]Balancing Mode:[/b]

Single-Plane Balancing: Provides efficient balancing in one plane to minimize vibrations.

Two-Plane Balancing: Offers precise dynamic balancing by adjusting in two planes.

Polar Diagram: Offers a visual representation of rotor imbalance for accurate weight placement.

Last Session Recovery: Facilitates the resumption of the last balancing session for efficiency.

Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Calculates permissible imbalance according to ISO 1940 standards.

[b]Advantages of Balanset-1A:[/b]

High Efficiency and Quality: Delivers exceptional efficiency and quality in all vibration analysis and balancing tasks.

Ease of Use: The Balanset-1A offers straightforward operation, making it accessible even to beginners.

Customer-Centric Adaptation: The Balanset-1A is designed to adapt to customer-specific requirements, enhancing its versatility.

Affordable Price: This device is affordably priced, making it accessible to a wide range of companies.

High Repeatability: The device's innovative features ensure consistent results in amplitude and phase vector measurements, achieving minimal residual imbalance.


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The Balanset-1A is a powerful and affordable tool for balancing and vibration analysis, helping you improve product quality, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance equipment safety.

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