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Have you ever wondered about how to fix ancestry media sync issues on Family Tree Maker 2019? If you're experiencing difficulties with syncing media files between Family Tree Maker and Ancestry, you're not alone. Many users face this issue, which can stem from a variety of factors such as software bugs, network connectivity problems, or improper settings. The first step to resolve this is to ensure that both your Family Tree Maker and Ancestry accounts are properly connected. Check your internet connection, as a weak or intermittent connection can disrupt the sync process. Additionally, make sure that the media files are properly linked to the individuals in your family tree and that they meet the correct file format and size specifications for syncing. If the issue persists, try refreshing or re-syncing your tree, or even disconnecting and reconnecting your Ancestry account within the software settings. In some cases, reinstalling the Family Tree Maker software may help to fix any underlying issues. If none of these solutions work, contacting Family Tree Maker’s support team for further troubleshooting steps might be necessary.


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