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Have you ever wondered about how to fix ancestry media sync issues on Family Tree Maker 2019? Many users encounter problems when trying to sync media files, such as photos, documents, and other items, between their Family Tree Maker software and their Ancestry account. This issue can arise due to various reasons, such as connectivity problems, software glitches, or issues with the file format or size. One of the first steps to troubleshoot this issue is to ensure that your internet connection is stable, as syncing requires a reliable connection. Next, make sure that both your Family Tree Maker software and your Ancestry account are updated to the latest versions, as outdated software may lead to compatibility issues. It’s also important to verify that the media files you’re attempting to sync are in a supported format and not too large for the platform to handle. If the problem persists, you can try unlinking and re-linking your Ancestry account to the Family Tree Maker software, or even perform a manual sync to check if it resolves the issue. In some cases, contacting Ancestry support for further assistance may be the best option to resolve more complex sync issues.


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