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If you're experiencing issues with logging into Ancestry on Safari, it can be frustrating, but troubleshooting these problems is often straightforward. One common cause of login difficulties is browser settings, such as cookies and cache, which may interfere with the website's functionality. To resolve this, try clearing your Safari browser's cache and cookies by going into Safari’s preferences, selecting "Privacy," and clicking "Manage Website Data." Additionally, ensure that your Safari version is up-to-date, as outdated versions may have compatibility issues with Ancestry’s website. Another key factor in troubleshooting Ancestry login problems on Safari is checking your internet connection. A weak or unstable connection may prevent successful login attempts. It’s also essential to disable any browser extensions that could be blocking or interfering with the login process. For users with strict privacy settings, you may need to adjust Safari’s security preferences to allow cookies from the Ancestry website. If the issue persists after performing these steps, you might consider trying to access the site in "Private Mode," which disables certain settings that could be causing the problem. Finally, if none of these solutions work, reaching out to Ancestry’s support team for further assistance can provide you with more tailored advice for resolving any ongoing login issues.


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