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If you're looking for how to delete a family tree on Ancestry, the process is quite straightforward but important to understand fully, as once deleted, it cannot be recovered. To begin, log into your Ancestry account and navigate to the “Trees” tab located at the top of the homepage. From the dropdown menu, select the family tree you wish to delete. Once your tree is open, click on the tree name located in the upper left corner of the page, and a dropdown menu will appear. From this menu, choose "Tree Settings." This will take you to a page where you can manage various aspects of your tree. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you will find an option labeled "Delete Tree." Be sure to carefully consider this step, as deleting a tree permanently removes all the data associated with it, including any photos, records, or stories attached to the tree. If you’ve shared this tree with others, their access will also be removed. Ancestry does not offer a way to recover a tree once it's been deleted, so it’s wise to ensure you’ve downloaded or saved any important information beforehand. This step is irreversible, so double-check that you are deleting the correct tree before proceeding. After clicking "Delete Tree," a confirmation prompt will appear asking if you're sure you want to proceed. Once confirmed, your family tree will be permanently removed from Ancestry's system.


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