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If you need to know how to turn off Find My AirPods from another device, the process involves a few specific steps to ensure your privacy and manage your device settings effectively. Start by opening the Find My app on the device you are using to manage your AirPods, such as another iPhone or iPad. Once inside the app, tap on the "Devices" tab to see a list of all your connected devices. Locate and select your AirPods from the list. You’ll see an option for “Remove This Device” or “Remove from Account”—choose this to disconnect the AirPods from the Find My network. Confirm the action when prompted. By doing so, you effectively turn off Find My for your AirPods from the other device, ensuring they are no longer trackable through the Find My app. This process is useful if you’ve sold or given away your AirPods and want to ensure that they are no longer associated with your Apple ID.

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