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In the vast sea of available crypto wallets and exchanges, MetaMask Wallet is the best choice for managing crypto tokens and seamless interaction with dApp among a lot of crypto enthusiasts. Along with that, there are various other features of the platform that makes it more popular in the crypto market and today we are going to talk about its compatibility with hardware wallet. Yes, you heard it right-Hardware Wallet. The platform provides a seamless connection with hardware crypto wallets that makes it easier for users to manage their crypto funds of both wallets in the same place.

A cryptocurrency wallet that is built on the Ethereum ERC-20 protocol is called MetaMask. Because of this, some individuals think that MetaMask is exclusive to Ethereum as only ERC-20 tokens are supposed to be held in MetaMask. And it is true, hence, you cannot use the MetaMask wallet to store Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency asset which is not based on the ERC-20 protocol. If the coin is built on the ERC-20 protocol, you can store it securely with MetaMask. If you want to store a non-ERC-20 token, you must first exchange it for an ERC-20 token before putting it in your MetaMask wallet.

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