Wkrótce ruszają zapisy do nowego projektu SAGA!

SAGA – współpraca z twórczymi środowiskami z obszarów wiejskich to nowa propozycja Stowarzyszenia Willa Decjusza dla Seniorów z Krakowa i okolic.




Projekt potrwa od września do listopada 2018 roku.


Program obejmuje zajęcia i warsztaty edukacyjne: pisanie piosenek, pisanie bajek, spotkania 
w ramach salonów literackich na temat literatury i poezji okresu XX-lecia międzywojennego oraz prezentację pamiątek, opowieści rodzinnych, spisanych wspomnień z okresu międzywojennego. W ramach projektu planowana jest także wycieczka, której założeniem jest odkrywanie ciekawych miejsc w Małopolsce.

Zakończeniem projektu będzie występ artystyczny w Willi Decjusza dla otwartej publiczności. Podczas koncertu prezentowane będą piosenki opracowane przez uczestników projektu do muzyki skomponowanej przez wykładowcę warsztatów. Przygotowaniem uczestników do występu zajmą się profesjonaliści.


Osoby zainteresowane wzięciem udziału w projekcie prosimy o wypełnienie formularza umieszczonego na dole strony. W formularzu znajdą Państwo informacje dotyczące harmonogramu zajęć oraz terminów spotkań.

W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt z koordynatorem projektu Iwoną Sulejewską, na adres mailowy: iwona.sulejewska@villa.org.pl lub pod nr tel.: 508 688 474.




Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona, decyduje kolejność przesłanych zgłoszeń.

Rekrutacja do projektu potrwa od 3 do 15 września 2018




Formularz zgłoszeniowy (po kliknięciu w link)



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Lying down and vomiting between courses: This is how Ancient Romans would feast
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Imagine, if you will, the most glorious festive feast, with an oversize turkey, stuffing two ways, holiday ham, the requisite fixings and at least half a dozen pies and cakes. That may all sound grand — that is, until you consider the extravagant displays of the ancient Roman banquet.

Members of the Roman upper classes regularly indulged in lavish, hours-long feasts that served to broadcast their wealth and status in ways that eclipse our notions of a resplendent meal. “Eating was the supreme act of civilization and celebration of life,” said Alberto Jori, professor of ancient philosophy at the University of Ferrara in Italy.
Ancient Romans enjoyed sweet and salty concoctions. Lagane, a rustic short pasta usually served with chickpeas, was also used to make a honey cake with fresh ricotta cheese. The Romans used garum, a pungent, salty fermented fish sauce for umami flavor in all dishes, even as a dessert topping. (For context, garum has a similar flavor profile and composition to current-day Asian fish sauces such as Vietnam’s nuoc mam and Thailand’s nam pla.) The prized condiment was made by leaving fish meat, blood and guts to ferment inside containers under the Mediterranean sun.
Game meat such as venison, wild boar, rabbit and pheasant along with seafood like raw oysters, shellfish and lobster were just some of the pricey foods that made regular appearances at the Roman banquet.

What’s more, hosts played a game of one-upmanship by serving over-the-top, exotic dishes like parrot tongue stew and stuffed dormouse. “Dormouse was a delicacy that farmers fattened up for months inside pots and then sold at markets,” Jori said. “While huge quantities of parrots were killed to have enough tongues to make fricassee.”
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Giorgio Franchetti, a food historian and scholar of ancient Roman history, recovered lost recipes from these repasts, which he shares in “Dining With the Ancient Romans,” written with “archaeo-cook” Cristina Conte. Together, the duo organize dining experiences at archaeological sites in Italy that give guests a taste of what eating like a Roman noble was all about. These cultural tours also delve into the eyebrow-raising rituals that accompanied these meals.

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Окраска бампера машины требует тщательной подготовки и правильного подбора составов. Первым делом необходимо определить, сколько краски нужно на бампер, учитывая его размеры и качество поверхности. <a href=https://emmanuelbibletraining.info/>Авто краска для бампера на emmanuelbibletraining.info </a> считается оптимальным выбором для достижения качественного результата. Важно помнить, что перед применением нового покрытия следует тщательно подготовить поверхность, убрав старую краску и очистив пластик. Текстурная краска дает не только эстетичный внешний вид, но и дополнительную защиту от механических повреждений.
Для тех, кто столкнулся с потребностью удаления следов краски после ДТП, существуют различные способы решения проблемы. Чтобы оттереть краску с бампера от другой машины, специалисты рекомендуют использовать профессиональные смывки для краски с пластика бампера, которые эффективно справляются с задачей без повреждения основного покрытия. При работе с черной структурной краской важно принимать во внимание время высыхания каждого слоя и соблюдать технологию нанесения, что позволит добиться однородного покрытия и надежного результата.

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Tools for Assessing USDT for Sanctions and Operation Integrity: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions

In the current world of cryptocurrencies, where quick deals and anonymity are becoming the standard practice, tracking the legality and clarity of processes is crucial. In view of amplified administrative scrutiny over dirty money and terrorism funding, the requirement for reliable resources to authenticate transactions has become a major concern for virtual currency users. In this piece, we will analyze existing solutions for verifying USDT for restrictive measures and transaction cleanliness.

What is AML?

Money Laundering Prevention actions refer to a set of legal actions aimed at preventing and discovering money laundering activities. With the surge of virtual currency usage, AML practices have become especially crucial, allowing individuals to manage digital resources with assurance while mitigating risks associated with sanctions.

USDT, as the most recognized stablecoin, is broadly used in multiple transactions worldwide. Nonetheless, using USDT can involve several dangers, especially if your resources may relate to unclear or criminal activities. To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to take advantage of services that verify USDT for prohibitions.

Available Services

1. Address Verification: Utilizing dedicated tools, you can confirm a particular USDT address for any ties to prohibited catalogs. This aids identify potential connections to illicit operations.

2. Operation Action Evaluation: Some platforms extend evaluation of transaction background, important for measuring the openness of monetary movements and identifying potentially threatening transactions.

3. Surveillance Solutions: Professional monitoring tools allow you to monitor all deals related to your location, enabling you to quickly spot suspicious activities.

4. Concern Documents: Certain services provide detailed threat summaries, which can be beneficial for traders looking to guarantee the reliability of their investments.

Whether of whether or not you are overseeing a substantial fund or conducting small deals, abiding to AML guidelines helps prevent legal repercussions. Adopting USDT verification tools not only protects you from capital setbacks but also supports to creating a secure environment for all industry players.


Checking USDT for sanctions and operation clarity is becoming a required step for anyone enthusiastic to stay within the rules and support high criteria of clarity in the virtual currency domain. By collaborating with dependable services, you not only protect your investments but also support to the shared mission in fighting money laundering and terrorist financing.

If you are prepared to start utilizing these solutions, review the existing platforms and select the solution that best fits your preferences. Keep in mind, knowledge is your advantage, and quick operation check can protect you from numerous issues in the time ahead.

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Solutions for Monitoring USDT for Embargoes and Deal Clarity: AML Approaches

In the modern environment of cryptocurrencies, where fast exchanges and secrecy are becoming the usual case, tracking the legitimacy and cleanliness of transactions is essential. In recognition of greater administrative investigation over illicit finance and terrorism funding, the necessity for robust tools to validate deals has become a key issue for cryptocurrency users. In this write-up, we will discuss existing tools for assessing USDT for prohibitions and transaction cleanliness.

What is AML?

Money Laundering Prevention practices refer to a collection of supervisory actions aimed at preventing and detecting dirty money activities. With the surge of virtual currency usage, AML practices have become notably critical, allowing individuals to manage digital resources confidently while lessening hazards associated with sanctions.

USDT, as the arguably the favored stablecoin, is commonly used in diverse transactions internationally. Yet, using USDT can entail several risks, especially if your capital may tie to ambiguous or illegal activities. To reduce these risks, it's vital to take make use of offerings that assess USDT for sanctions.

Available Services

1. Address Authentication: Leveraging specialized tools, you can verify a certain USDT address for any ties to prohibited lists. This assists pinpoint potential links to unlawful activities.

2. Transfer Engagement Assessment: Some services offer assessment of transaction records, crucial for assessing the openness of capital flows and spotting potentially hazardous activities.

3. Observation Systems: Expert monitoring services allow you to observe all operations related to your wallet, facilitating you to quickly identify questionable operations.

4. Risk Statements: Certain platforms provide detailed hazard documents, which can be helpful for participants looking to guarantee the reliability of their assets.

Whether of whether or not you are controlling a large fund or performing small trades, complying to AML norms supports prevent legal repercussions. Employing USDT certification services not only protects you from capital losses but also supports to establishing a stable environment for all business players.


Verifying USDT for prohibitions and transfer purity is becoming a mandatory step for anyone motivated to stay compliant within the law and preserve high benchmarks of clarity in the virtual currency sector. By working with reliable platforms, you not only protect your resources but also help to the shared mission in fighting money laundering and financing of terrorism.

If you are set to start leveraging these services, investigate the offered services and identify the service that best meets your preferences. Remember, data is your strength, and prompt operation assessment can save you from countless challenges in the time ahead.

Offerings for Verifying USDT for Prohibitions and Deal Purity: Money Laundering Prevention Approaches

In the modern domain of cryptocurrencies, where expedited transactions and secrecy are becoming the standard, monitoring the validity and clarity of operations is vital. In recognition of amplified administrative scrutiny over dirty money and terrorism funding, the need for reliable means to verify deals has become a key matter for digital asset users. In this article, we will review accessible solutions for monitoring USDT for embargoes and deal integrity.

What is AML?

Money Laundering Prevention actions refer to a group of supervisory measures aimed at hindering and uncovering dirty money activities. With the rise of crypto usage, AML strategies have become notably crucial, allowing individuals to manage digital resources securely while mitigating risks associated with restrictive measures.

USDT, as the most well-known stablecoin, is broadly used in multiple transactions across the globe. Nonetheless, using USDT can involve several dangers, especially if your funds may associate to unclear or unlawful activities. To minimize these risks, it's vital to take benefit of solutions that check USDT for embargoes.

Available Services

1. Address Validation: Leveraging dedicated tools, you can inspect a certain USDT address for any associations to prohibited registries. This helps uncover potential links to illicit operations.

2. Deal Engagement Examination: Some offerings extend assessment of transaction history, essential for judging the lucidity of capital transactions and identifying potentially hazardous conduct.

3. Observation Tools: Dedicated monitoring tools allow you to follow all deals related to your wallet, facilitating you to rapidly spot concerning actions.

4. Threat Reports: Certain solutions provide detailed concern documents, which can be crucial for stakeholders looking to ensure the soundness of their investments.

Whether of whether you are handling a substantial fund or performing small trades, following to AML guidelines ensures prevent legal repercussions. Employing USDT verification solutions not only defends you from monetary damages but also helps to forming a stable environment for all business participants.


Monitoring USDT for restrictive measures and transfer purity is becoming a required process for anyone motivated to continue within the law and maintain high levels of visibility in the cryptocurrency industry. By collaborating with trustworthy tools, you not only secure your resources but also help to the common initiative in fighting dirty money and financing of terrorism.

If you are prepared to start employing these offerings, investigate the offered tools and choose the service that most adequately aligns with your demands. Be aware, data is your strength, and swift operation verification can rescue you from countless challenges in the time ahead.

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Offerings for Monitoring USDT for Restrictive Measures and Deal Purity: AML Measures

In the modern realm of crypto assets, where rapid trades and obscurity are becoming the norm, tracking the validity and integrity of transactions is necessary. In light of heightened official scrutiny over financial misconduct and financing of terrorism, the need for reliable resources to authenticate deals has become a critical priority for cryptocurrency users. In this article, we will analyze accessible offerings for checking USDT for prohibitions and transfer integrity.

What is AML?

AML measures refer to a set of regulatory steps aimed at preventing and identifying dirty money activities. With the rise of digital asset usage, AML strategies have become exceedingly critical, allowing clients to manage digital assets reliably while reducing hazards associated with restrictive measures.

USDT, as the preeminent well-known stablecoin, is commonly used in multiple transactions globally. However, using USDT can entail several risks, especially if your capital may connect to non-transparent or illegal activities. To minimize these threats, it's imperative to take advantage of services that check USDT for restrictive measures.

Available Services

1. Address Authentication: Employing specialized tools, you can check a particular USDT address for any ties to sanction registries. This facilitates pinpoint potential links to unlawful behaviors.

2. Operation Action Evaluation: Some services provide assessment of transfer chronology, important for measuring the clarity of financial flows and detecting potentially dangerous conduct.

3. Surveillance Tools: Specialized monitoring tools allow you to monitor all transactions related to your account, permitting you to quickly identify concerning activities.

4. Risk Documents: Certain solutions make available detailed threat summaries, which can be beneficial for stakeholders looking to ensure the soundness of their holdings.

Whether of whether or not you are handling a considerable resource or making small trades, following to AML standards assists evade legal repercussions. Utilizing USDT certification offerings not only safeguards you from economic losses but also aids to building a stable environment for all industry participants.


Assessing USDT for sanctions and transfer clarity is becoming a necessary action for anyone eager to stay compliant within the law and uphold high standards of openness in the cryptocurrency sector. By collaborating with trustworthy tools, you not only protect your assets but also contribute to the collective goal in combating illicit finance and financing of terrorism.

If you are ready to start employing these tools, explore the available platforms and pick the one that most suitably suits your preferences. Bear in mind, insight is your asset, and quick operation validation can protect you from a variety of problems in the time ahead.

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Для тех, кто столкнулся с потребностью удаления следов краски после ДТП, существуют различные методы решения проблемы. Чтобы удалить краску с бампера от другой машины, эксперты рекомендуют использовать специальные смывки для краски с пластика бампера, которые результативно справляются с задачей без повреждения основного покрытия. При работе с черной структурной краской важно принимать во внимание время высыхания каждого слоя и следовать технологию нанесения, что позволит добиться однородного покрытия и надежного результата.

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Окрашивание бампера машины требует тщательной подготовки и правильного подбора материалов. В первую очередь необходимо определить, сколько краски нужно на бампер, учитывая его размеры и качество поверхности. <a href=https://emmanuelbibletraining.info/>Бампер на краска на emmanuelbibletraining.info </a> считается подходящим выбором для достижения отличного результата. Важно помнить, что перед применением нового покрытия следует тщательно подготовить поверхность, убрав старую краску и очистив пластик. Текстурная краска обеспечивает не только эстетичный внешний вид, но и дополнительную защиту от механических повреждений.
Для тех, кто столкнулся с необходимостью удаления следов краски после ДТП, существуют различные способы решения проблемы. Чтобы убрать краску с бампера от другой машины, мастера рекомендуют использовать профессиональные смывки для краски с пластика бампера, которые эффективно справляются с задачей без повреждения основного покрытия. При работе с черной структурной краской важно принимать во внимание время высыхания каждого слоя и следовать технологию нанесения, что позволит добиться однородного покрытия и долговечного результата.

Источник: <a href=https://emmanuelbibletraining.info/>https://emmanuelbibletraining.info/ </a>

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